Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Best camera/video camera for me? (Please know what you're talking about...)?

Q. Hi everyone!
So, I don't have very much knowledge in this I need some help.

I need a camera/video camera. I take an average amount of pictures so picture quality is important. I'm not sure of the name for this...but I also would like a camera that takes multiple shots in a second..again sorry I don't know what that's called...

but I really enjoy making videos, so one that would be good for that. Video quality, I'm not really sure if there's better cameras for that..but ya know.
Panoramic view would be nice as well.

but yeah...that's what I would like. Size and shape all of that doesn't really matter that much to me. Obviously price is kind of important, I would like to not be paying too much, but I don't want to get something cheap, so if I have to pay for what I'm looking for then I'm willing.

I figured since black friday is coming up I should figure this stuff out..

Thanks!! If you need nay more info let me know!!

Thanks again. :)

A. Picture quality is sometimes called IQ, Image Quality, but just plain picture quality is good enough.

Multiple shots in a second, sometimes called continuous mode, or burst mode, is usually measured in frames per second (fps).

Video quality generally follows the quality of the camera. One aspect of video is resolution. This is usually called Full HD, HD, VGA. It's all about the number of lines on a screen 1080, 720, 640 or 320. The picture on your TV or computer monitor is drawn there with lines. The more lines used to draw the picture, the higher the resolution.

Some cameras do panorama in the camera. Usually I either crop to panorama or stitch some pix together. But I do have an old Kodak that does panorama in the camera and have used it once.

I hope you survived Black Friday without being ripped off.

Here is some help in picking a digital camera.

The best cameras are DSLR's.You don't sound like someone who wants to invest the time and effort to be a photography enthusiast. So maybe one of the advanced compacts is for you. Look into the Nikon P7800, Canon G15, Sony RX100 and whatever Fujifilm is offering.

Can most digital cameras now all do full hd 1080p video recording?

A. Most of them do 1080p HD video. However please be aware that most compact cameras, or smart-phones like iPhones, are not good at video recording. If light is good, they do an okay job. When light is dull, they are almost unusable. If you zoom in and do video, there can be lot of shake. You may be better off with iPhone or some digital camcorder that offers 30-40x zoom.

Read this article- it will provide you some relevant info:

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